- Sustainability science
- Great Transformation
- Post-fossil Fuel Economy
- Transformative Sustainability Policy
The Future is Now! Shaping the Socio-Ecological Transformation
With society facing multiple crises and challenges including climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequality, swift socio-ecological transformations towards sustainability are called for.
At least since the 2011 report by the German Advisory Council on Global Change, the need for this ‘Great Transformation’ with its associated reorganisation of society to establish a post-fossil fuel economy that protects land and conserves resources has been an undisputed foundation of transformative sustainability policy.
Key fields of action for socio-ecological transformation extend from energy supplies and mobility, the economy, climate action, biodiversity conservation, to food and agriculture, as well as work and housing. The actual realisation of socio-ecological transformation involves significant spatial considerations and is thus closely linked to islation has on transformation-related policies and planning, and whether other EU countries offer examples providing ideas and approaches applicable in a German context.
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