The Compendium of Urban and Regional Development

The Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (formerly known as The Academy for Spatial Research and Planning) (ARL) has been publishing the Handwörterbuch der Stadt- und Raumentwicklung for over five decades.

It is directed at interested academics and practitioners. A selection of English language articles can be downloaded here for free.

Looking for an article that is not yet available in English? Email us and let us know which article you would like to have translated!

The German versions of all articles are available here.


Territorial categories

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  1. Meaning of the term
  2. Functionally and analytically demarcated territorial categories or spatial types
  3. Territorial categories and spatial categories in spatial development plans
  4. Outlook

Territorial categories, also known as spatial categories or spatial types, are used to classify spaces according to different demarcation criteria. They are used in a twofold manner: analytically as part of spatial observation and spatial research, and as core content pursuant to the Federal Spatial Planning Act (Raumordnungsgesetz, ROG) and spatial development plans.

Hans-Jörg Domhardt, Swantje Grotheer

Territorial cohesion

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  1. Basic principles
  2. First steps towards a European spatial development policy
  3. Further development
  4. Current discussion

Additional literature

This article traces the origins of the term territorial cohesion from the Treaty of Rome to the Europe 2020 Strategy. It focuses on the various interpretations given to the term as a result of language differences and diverging definitions linked to the respective context of the member states.


Evelyn Gustedt

Transport planning

View in Glossary PDF Download

1 Preliminary remarks
2 Definitions and basic principles
3 Objectives and working methods
4 Requirements of transport planning based on available knowledge
5 Outlook

Transport planning has evolved from a type of specialist sectoral planning into a form of more comprehensive spatial planning with a significant impact which must achieve certain aims (integrated transport development planning). Besides securing and improving mobility and transport, it seeks to achieve more sustainable transport with fewer adverse effects and lower resource consumption. This article sets out the methods, requirements and positioning of transport planning.

Gerd-Axel Ahrens