Alpine Ecological Networks: Integrating Connectivity into Spatial Planning

Joint PlanToConnect/ AlpPlan mid-term workshop & AlpPlan general assembly 2024
On-site workshop
Date: Monday, 25 November 2024 – Thursday, 28 November 2024
Venue: Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, Tyrol (Gaisbergweg 5, AT-6456 Obergurgl)
This commonly organized workshop by partners of the PlanToConnect team and AlpPlan (alpine spatial planning network) aims to present first results of the PlanToConnect project and to support the elaboration of an Alpine Planning Strategy on Green Infrastructure and Ecological Connectivity planning by bringing together project partners, observers, other European projects, EUSALP Action Groups and Alpine Convention Working Groups. The purpose is to give a creative push for this strategy that is of great importance for the safeguarding of ecological connectivity and to mainstream it into spatial planning systems of the Alpine Space.
Programme & Registration
Registration is open until 30 September 2024. Please register by filling in the online registration form that can be accessed in the PDF file below.
Preliminary programme incl. the registration link and additional information
Information for AlpPlan members
For appointed members of the AlpPlan network, travel and hotel costs will be covered by ARL. If you want us to reserve a hotel room, please inform us accordingly in the registration form. Travel costs for the journey to/from Obergurgl can be reimbursed after the event in accordance with the Bundesreisekostengesetz (German Travel Expenses Act).
Do you want become an AlpPlan member? Please get in touch with us via e-mail:
Information on AlpPlan
AlpPlan (alpine spatial planning network) is a European Working Group (EWG) in the Alpine region. The overall objective of AlpPlan is to promote cooperation and coordination in the field of spatial planning in the Alpine region, especially from a cross-border perspective. The network brings together both scientific expertise and practice-oriented application perspectives.
More information:
Information on the PlanToConnect project
PlanToConnect (“Mainstreaming ecological connectivity in spatial planning systems of the Alpine Space”) is a project in the framework of the Interreg Alpine Space Programme, running from 2022 to 2025. It highlights the importance to integrate biodiversity, climate adaptation and ecological connectivity issues from a spatial planning perspective. The aim is to identify the key cross-border areas for planning of ecological connectivity and to facilitate the upgrade of spatial planning systems and territorial policies to preserve or re-establish them.
More information:
Contact information
Constantin Meyer – AlpPlan secretary (, +49 511 34842-65, ARL Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association, Vahrenwalder Straße 247, 30179 Hannover, DE)
Kerstin Ströbel – PlanToConnect project (,+49 931 31-88009, University of Wuerzburg, Chair for Geography and Regional Sciences, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, DE)