April 2023: Discussion and joint development of the working programme for the international IIK (2023-2026) (online)
April 2023: Discussion and joint development of the working programme for the international IIK (2023-2026) (online)
Following the kick-off meeting in February 2023, the members of the international IIK met on 14 April (online) to discuss and jointly decide on the working programme for the upcoming three years (2023-2026).
The discussion focussed on the following key points:
- Self-conception of the international IIK “Gender and Spatial Transformation”
- Identification of the relevant topics for the upcoming three years
- Specification of the working methods, formats, and planned products
- Scheduling/Time planning
- Planned development perspectives for the international IIK
The following main topics have been identified for the work of the upcoming three years:
- Terms and concepts in the field of gender and spatial transformation,
- Gender and climate-just planning,
- Economy and the socio-ecological crisis of gender relations as a crisis of re-production.
The mutual transfer between science and planning practice, planning practice and science is particularly emphasized in the work programme. Specific working formats such as small working groups, public events, but also different publication formats are planned to adequately address each topic.
The working programme of the international IIK “Gender and Spatial transformation” was approved by the ARL Presidium in May 2023.
In autumn 2023, the members of the international IIK are planning to conduct two online workshops to discuss the main terms and concepts in the field of gender and spatial transformation.