Call for Papers - Sectoral Policy Innovations Facilitating Cross-Border Cooperation
Call for Papers - Sectoral Policy Innovations Facilitating Cross-Border Cooperation
Workshop 2 - 4 November 2023
Andrassy University Budapest, Hungary
The cross-border cooperation (CBC) has been strongly intensified in Europe over the past 30 years leading to differently integrated cross-border territories. This process has been induced by introducing INTERREG in 1990. Thereafter more initiatives in different policy fields contributed to enhancing cross-border cooperation and integration.
Among them are the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) of 1999, the adoption of the EGTC regulation in 2006 setting up a legal tool to facilitate cross-border cooperation between public actors and more recently EC Communications and the proposal for the European Cross-border Mechanism (ECBM).
Despite these efforts, the observed intensifying cross-border cooperation is neither geographically nor thematically balanced. Good examples are found along many but not all EU borders. Similarly, good practices may be transferred across policy areas to some extent. Thus, more and better cross-border cooperation still benefits from exchange and learning across regions and policy areas.
With this call, we invite scholars as well as practitioners to submit papers for a Workshop on Cross-Border Sector Policy Innovations Facilitating Cross-Border Cooperation held on 2 - 4 November 2023.
The workshop is planned as an on-site event at Andrássy University in Budapest. However, should the conditions in autumn be less favorable than expected (e.g. due Covid) we reserve the right to switch to an online format. In this event, all participants will be informed on time.
Scientific Committee of the Workshop
- Martina Eckardt, Andrassy University Budapest, Hungary
- Michael Frey, University of Applied Sciences Kehl, Germany
- Annika Jaansoo, TU Twente, The Netherlands
- Stefan Okruch, Andrassy University Budapest, Hungary
- Sabine Zillmer, Spatial Foresight, Luxembourg/Germany/France
Submission of extended abstract: June 30, 2023 (500 words per paper)
Notification of acceptance by July 30, 2023
Registration until September 08, 2023
Submission of full paper until October 15, 2023 (max. 7.500 words, about 15 pages)
Please submit your paper through: