The Future is Now! Shaping the Socio-Ecological Transformation
Call for papers for the ARL Congress 2025
27-28 March at the Leopoldina in Halle an der Saale, Germany
With society facing multiple crises and challenges including climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequality, swift socio-ecological transformations towards sustainability are called for.
At least since the 2011 report by the German Advisory Council on Global Change, the need for this ‘Great Transformation’ with its associated reorganisation of society to establish a post-fossil fuel economy that protects land and conserves resources has been an undisputed foundation of transformative sustainability policy.
Key fields of action for socio-ecological transformation extend from energy supplies and mobility, the economy, climate action, biodiversity conservation, to food and agriculture, as well as work and housing. The actual realisation of socio-ecological transformation involves significant spatial considerations and is thus closely linked to transformation-related policies and planning, and whether other EU countries offer examples providing ideas and approaches applicable in a German context.
Call for Papers
Are you a researcher or planning professional working on issues surrounding socio-ecological transformations and their associated equity concerns and conflicts, perhaps even with cross-border or international aspects?
We invite you to submit abstracts for short presentations at one of our sessions. The ARL Congress facilitates interdisciplinary dialogue between researchers and planning professionals and welcomes the participation of local and (supra-)regional policy-makers and civil society initiatives. In particular, we invite submissions from early career researchers or practitioners.
Please submit abstracts to by
17. November 2024.
Abstracts can be in German or English (maximum of 2,500 characters excluding spaces) and should be of clear relevance to at least one of the aforementioned key aspects of socio-ecological transformations. Your abstract should include your central focus, propositions and conclusions, and it should have a clear and concise title. Please also provide your name, title and institutional affiliation.
The abstracts we receive will undergo a review and selection process. For those invited to present a paper, ARL will waive the conference registration fee and reimburse their travel and accommodation expenses in accordance with German travel expense regulations (one person per selected paper).
Please address any questions about the call for papers to
Dr. Katharina Kapitza
Head of the Academic Section Spatial Transformation Strategies and Concepts at ARL
Tel. +49 511 34842-42
- Complete Call for Papers (PDF)