Green infrastructure and technical innovations
Green infrastructure and technical innovations: the IAK "gender and climate just cities" in Magdeburg
On 28 and 29 April 2022, the IAK "gender and climate just cities and urban regions" met at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Petra Schneider, head of the department of Water, Environment, Construction and Safety, had hosted and organized the meeting. The event was supported by students of the department and the climate protection management of the University of Applied Sciences. The green campus of the University of Applied Sciences with its various research infrastructures provided many occasions for discussion in the group: What does it imply, especially for infrastructures, if cities want to become climate neutral and take gender aspects into account in this context?
In Magdeburg, the focus was on urban green infrastructure. The meeting also included a visit to the MOSAIK project, which explores and offers methods for using moss in a vertical greening of facades. The discussion with people active in the VITOPIA project, an ecological, cooperatively organized place to live and organize events, showed how climate-friendly behavior can be implemented in everyday life and, in particular, integrated into the city's mobility planning.