OUT NOW: The Country Profile of Ukraine

ARL International ARL International
published on 02/08/2024

Ukraine, having been a part of the USSR for a long time, inherited certain features of the Soviet approach to territorial planning. 

Thus, after the declaration of independence, it became necessary to solve a number of urgent issues related to changing methodological approaches and the creation of Ukraine’s own planning system. 

This had to take into account the complexities of changing the forms of ownership, restructuring economic relations, the lack of financial resources, and, of course, the processes of fundamental change in public administration in general. 

In general, the current system of territorial planning in Ukraine combines the experience of Soviet and post-Soviet planning and some elements of European practices, but systematic integration of the CEMAT conference decisions and the principles of the European Spatial Development Perspective and the Territorial Agenda has not yet taken place. 

Read more about the planning system of Ukraine.