Second meeting on September 16-17, 2021
Gender oriented planning: the international working group met in Vienna
The international working group (IAK) "gender and climate just cities and urban regions" focused on questions of gender-oriented and climate-related urban planning on 16 and 17. Sept. 2021 in Vienna. An impulse from Eva Prangerl ("Smart City Team" of the City of Vienna) enhanced the discussion on the conflicting issues of climate neutrality, participation and gender justice in urban development. And with examples from Serbia, England, Spain, Sweden and Germany, the members of the working group shaped the discussion on gender-sensitive planning and spatial development from their own perspectives. During excursions around one of the largest urban development sites of Europe, the "Seestadt Aspern" (pic) and the inner-city 10th district of Vienna, the group discussed on site what challenges and prospects integrated urban development can offer, and how to create and maintain vibrant neighborhoods. Peter Hinterkörner („3420 aspern development AG“) outlined key issues for social coexistence and gender- and climate-responsive planning approaches in the "Seestadt".
The meeting also gave the group members a chance to get to know each other in person, as the pandemic had meant that the working group had previously only been able to "meet" online. In this way, it was possible to define shared topics and goals for further work and to prepare a work program.