Architect Engineer
Christakis Serghides
Pensioner Civil Servant
Christakis Serghides is a registered Architect and an ex-Chief Planning Officer of the Cyprus Government Town Planning and Housing Department (T.P.H). He graduated from the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki with an Architect Engineer Diploma. His study options and Dissertation were oriented to urban planning issues. KY.S.A.T.S. has recognised his Diploma on a Master's Level. He also studied in the Netherlands and he got a Postgraduate Diploma in Housing, Planning and Building (HIS –BIE). During his career as a Paphos and Lemesos Divisional Officer and then as a Senior and as a Chief Planning Officer in Planning Sector of T.P.H. he dealt a lot with the Cyprus Town and Country Planning Law and its derivatives. He drastically contributed, even with special duties, to their implementation, interpretation, amendments and enrichment to modern European and International perceptions. He participated effectively and continues after his retirement in relevant collective bodies and working groups (e.g. ETEK, Architects Associations). He gave lectures in such organizations, universities, other bodies and social groups.