Carlo Fabian
Olten (Switzerland)
Head of Institute for Social Work and Health
Head of Institute for Social Work and Health
MA Social and Health Psychologist / Coach and Organization Developer MAS / Health Psychologist FSP
- since 2020: Head of the Institute for Social Work and Health FHNW HSA
- 2011 – 2020: Professor, Lecturer and Senior Researcher, Institute for Social Planning, Organisational Change and Urban Development, FHNW - HSA
- since 2011: Independent Coach and Organizational Developer
- 2008 – 2012: Head of RADIX Northwestern Switzerland, Head of RADIX Healthy Municipalities (RADIX – Swiss centre for health promotion and prevention)
- 2006 – 2008: Professor and Deputy Head, Institute for Studies in Children and Youth Services (IKJ), FHNW HSA
- 2001 – 2005: Researcher and Lecturer, University of Applied Science both Basel (FHS-BB / HPSA-BB)
- 1999 – 2000: Research Assistant, Swiss Institute for Health and Addiction Research (ISGF), Zurich
- 1997 – 2001: Research Assistant and Lecturer, Psychological Institute of the University of Zurich, Social and Health Psychology
MA Social and Health Psychologist / Coach and Organization Developer MAS / Health Psychologist FSP
- since 2020: Head of the Institute for Social Work and Health FHNW HSA
- 2011 – 2020: Professor, Lecturer and Senior Researcher, Institute for Social Planning, Organisational Change and Urban Development, FHNW - HSA
- since 2011: Independent Coach and Organizational Developer
- 2008 – 2012: Head of RADIX Northwestern Switzerland, Head of RADIX Healthy Municipalities (RADIX – Swiss centre for health promotion and prevention)
- 2006 – 2008: Professor and Deputy Head, Institute for Studies in Children and Youth Services (IKJ), FHNW HSA
- 2001 – 2005: Researcher and Lecturer, University of Applied Science both Basel (FHS-BB / HPSA-BB)
- 1999 – 2000: Research Assistant, Swiss Institute for Health and Addiction Research (ISGF), Zurich
- 1997 – 2001: Research Assistant and Lecturer, Psychological Institute of the University of Zurich, Social and Health Psychology
- Drilling, Matthias; Tappert, Simone; Fabian, Carlo; Janett, Sandra; Bischoff, Tobias (2020). Âge, exclusion et espace. Recherche d’un urbanisme plus juste envers les personnes âgées. In: Retraite et société. 81. S. 91 – 111.
-Fabian, Carlo; Janett, Sandra; Bischoff, Tobias; Pardini, Riccardo; Leitner, Johanna; Knöpfel, Carlo (2019). The Development of ‘Age Appropriate’ Living Environments: Analysis of Two Case Studies from a Social Work Perspective. In: Urban Planning, 4(2). S. 123 – 133. doi:10.17645/up.v4i2.2060.
- Fabian, Carlo; Huber, Timo (2019). Participating in creating open spaces with and for children – A kind of participatory action research? In: Berson, Ilene R.; Berson, Michael J.; Gray, Colette (Eds.), Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing. S. 153 – 179.
- Süsstrunk, Simon; Bachmann, Nicole; Janett, Sandra; Fabian, Carlo (2018). Mit den Augen betagter Frauen. In: Angewandte Gerontologie, 3(4). S. 13 – 16.
- Fabian, Carlo; Drilling, Matthias; Olivier, Niermann; Schnur, Olaf (2017). Quartier und Gesundheit – Klärungen eines scheinbar selbstverständlichen Zusammenhangs. In: Fabian, Carlo; Drilling, Matthias; Olivier, Niermann; Schnur, Olaf (Hrsg.). Quartier und Gesundheit. Impulse zu einem Querschnittsthema in Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag Fachmedien. S. 9 – 37.
- Fabian, Carlo (2016). Der Beitrag partizipativer Prozesse bei der Freiraumentwicklung für die Gesundheit von Kindern. In: Umweltpsychologie. 2(39). S. 112 – 157.
-Fabian, Carlo; Janett, Sandra; Bischoff, Tobias; Pardini, Riccardo; Leitner, Johanna; Knöpfel, Carlo (2019). The Development of ‘Age Appropriate’ Living Environments: Analysis of Two Case Studies from a Social Work Perspective. In: Urban Planning, 4(2). S. 123 – 133. doi:10.17645/up.v4i2.2060.
- Fabian, Carlo; Huber, Timo (2019). Participating in creating open spaces with and for children – A kind of participatory action research? In: Berson, Ilene R.; Berson, Michael J.; Gray, Colette (Eds.), Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing. S. 153 – 179.
- Süsstrunk, Simon; Bachmann, Nicole; Janett, Sandra; Fabian, Carlo (2018). Mit den Augen betagter Frauen. In: Angewandte Gerontologie, 3(4). S. 13 – 16.
- Fabian, Carlo; Drilling, Matthias; Olivier, Niermann; Schnur, Olaf (2017). Quartier und Gesundheit – Klärungen eines scheinbar selbstverständlichen Zusammenhangs. In: Fabian, Carlo; Drilling, Matthias; Olivier, Niermann; Schnur, Olaf (Hrsg.). Quartier und Gesundheit. Impulse zu einem Querschnittsthema in Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag Fachmedien. S. 9 – 37.
- Fabian, Carlo (2016). Der Beitrag partizipativer Prozesse bei der Freiraumentwicklung für die Gesundheit von Kindern. In: Umweltpsychologie. 2(39). S. 112 – 157.
Projects involved
Urban Planning for Health Equity
Public administration
Society, social affairs, demography
Urban planning & development