- Spatial & state & regional planning
- A current inventory of the state of the art in international planning theory
- A basis for further professional discourse
Since its beginnings in the 1960s, the planning discipline in Germany has developed into a relevant science with regard to research, teaching and practice. This discipline is application-oriented and is characterised by the fact that it draws on a wide variety of different basic sciences and combines them with each other.
Traditionally, it is characterised by a rather low interest in theory and a lack of independent paradigmatisation to this day. In the past, this repeatedly led to accusations of eclecticism and a lack of a common theoretical core.
Nevertheless, procedural planning theories have developed in recent decades, which have an important function in this context: the profession's understanding of itself.
For the German-speaking countries, the working group has presented a current inventory of the state of the art in international planning theory. It forms a basis for further professional discourse.