userSmall towns and metropolitan cores: towards cooperation?

Online meeting on 22nd of November

ARL International ARL International
published on 09/12/2021

In order to follow up on the previously established results, the group met online on the 22nd of November, 2021.
During the meeting, further presentations of the group's thematics in the context of Poland (see Figure 1) and France (see Figure 2) were presented, respectively by Prof. Jerzy Bański and Prof. Christophe Demazière and Dr. Divya Leducq.

Demographic dynamics in small towns and distribution of towns in Poland (© Jerzy Bański)
Demographic dynamics in small towns and distribution of towns in Poland (© Jerzy Bański)
Figure 2. Small towns in FUA in Brittany, France (© Baudelle et al. (2019) presented by Christophe Demazière)
Figure 2. Small towns in FUA in Brittany, France (© Baudelle et al. (2019) presented by Christophe Demazière)

These presentations enhanced detailed discussion and touched upon specific topics, like small towns' rhetorics and perception, which slightly allowed us to restructure the group's work focus.

Moreover, the first preparations for a physical meeting in Tours, France (the beginning of April 2022) started, therefore the tentative agenda was presented and reflected on.