Antje Matern
Professor at FH Erfurt
Research Interests: Sustainable development in cities and regions and smart regions
Urban-rural relations in regional development, and social practices in urban and regional planning; Territorial governance and region building;
Since 4/2019 Senior Researcher at Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development Dresden (IOER)
2015-2019 Chair of Regional Planning at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (chair holder and guest professor)
2012-2015 Post-doc at TU Darmstadt, chair of spatial and infrastructure planning
2011-2012 Governmental Official for regional development and transnational cooperation,
lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Spatial Development
2012 PhD: Mehrwert Metropolregion - Erfahrungen von Akteuren peripherer Räume zur
Stadt-Land-Zusammenarbeit in der Metropolregion Hamburg
2009-2018 Co-founder at Nexthamburg UG
Urban-rural relations in regional development, and social practices in urban and regional planning; Territorial governance and region building;
Since 4/2019 Senior Researcher at Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development Dresden (IOER)
2015-2019 Chair of Regional Planning at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (chair holder and guest professor)
2012-2015 Post-doc at TU Darmstadt, chair of spatial and infrastructure planning
2011-2012 Governmental Official for regional development and transnational cooperation,
lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Spatial Development
2012 PhD: Mehrwert Metropolregion - Erfahrungen von Akteuren peripherer Räume zur
Stadt-Land-Zusammenarbeit in der Metropolregion Hamburg
2009-2018 Co-founder at Nexthamburg UG
Matern, A. (Hg.) 2016: Urbane Infrastrukturlandschaften in Transformation: Städte-Orte-Räume. Transcript, Bielefeld
Heer, S.; Wirth, P.; Knippschild, R.; Matern, A. (2021): Guiding Principles in Transformation Processes of Coal Phase-out. The German Case of Lusatia, The Extractive Industries and Society
Binder, J.; Matern, A. 2020: Mobility and social exclusion in peripheral regions, European Planning Studies 28/6: 1049-1067
Matern, A.; Binder, J.; Noack, A. 2020: Smart regions - insights from hybridization and peripheralization research, European Planning Studies
Schmidt, M.; Matern, A. 2015: Sektorübergreifende Koordination als Herausforderung nachhaltiger Infrastrukturentwicklung in Städten, in: „Stadt und Infrastruktur“ Schott, Dieter (Hg.), Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte, IMS 1/2015: 70-80
projects: Transformation process in Lusatia (coal phase-out), smart regions, urban-rural partnerships
Heer, S.; Wirth, P.; Knippschild, R.; Matern, A. (2021): Guiding Principles in Transformation Processes of Coal Phase-out. The German Case of Lusatia, The Extractive Industries and Society
Binder, J.; Matern, A. 2020: Mobility and social exclusion in peripheral regions, European Planning Studies 28/6: 1049-1067
Matern, A.; Binder, J.; Noack, A. 2020: Smart regions - insights from hybridization and peripheralization research, European Planning Studies
Schmidt, M.; Matern, A. 2015: Sektorübergreifende Koordination als Herausforderung nachhaltiger Infrastrukturentwicklung in Städten, in: „Stadt und Infrastruktur“ Schott, Dieter (Hg.), Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte, IMS 1/2015: 70-80
projects: Transformation process in Lusatia (coal phase-out), smart regions, urban-rural partnerships
membership of LAG Hamburg/Niedersachsen/ Schleswig-Holstein; LAG Berlin/Brandenburg/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, ARL young professional forum, working group - metropolitan regions
Projects involved
ARL Northeast forum
Spatial & state & regional planning