Britta Bockhorn
ARL - International Affairs
research associate


2020 - present: ARL Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (Hannover, Germany): Head of International Affairs
2018-2022: Further training to become a EU Research Advisor (German Federal Ministry of Education an Research, BMBF)
2018-2020: Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (Hanover, Germany): Research Manager
2015-2018: GEO (Copenhagen, Denmark): Project Manager, Climate and Groundwater
2013: University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada): Visiting PhD Student
2011-2015: University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark): PhD Fellow. Research topic: Development of methods and techniques to improve the hydraulic performance of stormwater infiltration systems in clay tills
RWTH Aachen University (Aachen, Germany): Student assistent

- Britta Bockhorn, Knud Erik S. Klint, Luca Locatelli, Young-Jin Park, Philip J. Binning, Ed Sudicky & Marina Bergen Jensen (2017) Factors affecting the hydraulic performance of infiltration based SUDS in clay, Urban Water Journal, 14:2,
125- 133, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2015.1076860
- Britta Bockhorn, Knud Erik Strøyberg Klint, Marina Bergen Jensen, Ingelise Møller; Use of geological mapping tools to improve the hydraulic performance of SuDS. Water Sci Technol 1 May 2015; 71 (10): 1492–1499. doi:
- Bockhorn, B.; Møller, I.; Klint, K. E. S.; Jensen, M.B. (2015): Geoelectrical mapping for improved performance of SUDS in clay tills. In: Environmental Earth Sciences, 74 (6): 5263-5273.

Head of International Affairs
  • Administration
  • Phyisical geography, earth sciences
  • Urban planning & development