Kat Hasler
Planning, Architecture & Regeneration Division, Scottish Government
Place Outcomes Lead


Kat Hasler is a social geographer with a Masters in Public Health and a varied career including 15 years in public health and prior to that several years in the arts. Her latest remit as Place Outcomes Lead in the Planning and Architecture Division of Scottish Government includes working with a range of policy areas including climate change to embed place-based approaches. She still continues to have a strong role in the ongoing national Place Standard programme, which includes provision of support to local government, public, private and third sector organisations, and communities to use the tool. She is similarly active internationally, working with a range of partners across Europe.

Place Standard tool
Place Standard with a Climate Lens

Recently joined the International Working Group "Urban Planning for Health Equity" at the invitation of the ARL - Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association.

Projects involved