Claudia Costa
Municipality of Pombal
Public Officer


Geographer with strong expertise in research considering health holistically, by focusing on the influence of the territory and the context on health results, namely considering dimensions like access to green spaces, security, built environment, pollution, social capital, deprivation and access. Work in a local municipality in Portugal, Pombal, whose responsibilities include the evaluation and planning of interventions to promote the happiness and well-being of the community, the construction of a local observatory regarding the Sustainable Development Goals, the decentralization of competencies of the health sector from the national to the local level, and the participation of the municipality in the Portuguese Network of Healthy Municipalities.

Schwandt, H, et al (2021). Inequality in mortality between Black and White Americans by age, place, and cause and in comparison to Europe, 1990 to 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Costa, C, Santana, P (2021). Trends of amenable deaths due to healthcare within the European Union countries. Exploring the association with the economic crisis and education. SSM-Population Health.

Costa, C, et al (2020). Disparities in Geographical Access to Hospitals in Portugal. ISPRS International Journal of Geoinformation.

Costa, C, et al (2019) Evaluation of data availability on population health indicators at the regional level across the European Union. Population Health Metrics.

Costa, C, et al (2019). Population Health Inequalities Across and Within European Metropolitan Areas through the Lens of the EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index. Int J Environ Res Public Health.

Member of the International working Group “Urban Planning for Health Equity”

Projects involved