Prof. Dr.
Barbara Zibell
University Professor, retired
Since 2019: Freelance researcher, Planning consultant and Gender expert at StadtUmLand. Forschung Planung Beratung, Zürich & Hannover.
1996-2019: Professor at the Leibniz Universität Hannover, Department for Planning and the Sociology of Architecture.
1998-1999: Guest Professor for Urbanism and Human Settlements at the Technische Universität Berlin, Institute for Urban and Regional Planning.
1994: Graduation to the subject of „Chaos as Organising Principle in Urbanism“ at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Department of Architecture (Dr. sc. techn.).
1994-1996: Teaching activity at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Department of Architecture, lectures in spatial planning, performance of examinations (Prof. Franz Oswald).
1989–1993: Scientific officer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Institute for Local, Regional and National Planning (ORL), special field Urbanism and Settlement (Prof. Benedikt Huber).
1984–1988: Spatial Planner and Project Manager at the Planungsgruppe Süd-West in Lörrach (Baden-Wurttemberg).
1982–1984: Traineeship (Preparation for the superior civil service career in spatial planning administrations) within the field of urbanism in the south of Hesse (Bauass.).
1981–1982: Consultant on behalf of the Council of the Berlin Borough of Charlottenburg, Agency of Urban Planning, Restructuring Administration Center.
1974–1980: Studies of Urban and Regional planning at Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Urban and Regional Planning (Dipl.-Ing.).
1996-2019: Professor at the Leibniz Universität Hannover, Department for Planning and the Sociology of Architecture.
1998-1999: Guest Professor for Urbanism and Human Settlements at the Technische Universität Berlin, Institute for Urban and Regional Planning.
1994: Graduation to the subject of „Chaos as Organising Principle in Urbanism“ at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Department of Architecture (Dr. sc. techn.).
1994-1996: Teaching activity at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Department of Architecture, lectures in spatial planning, performance of examinations (Prof. Franz Oswald).
1989–1993: Scientific officer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Institute for Local, Regional and National Planning (ORL), special field Urbanism and Settlement (Prof. Benedikt Huber).
1984–1988: Spatial Planner and Project Manager at the Planungsgruppe Süd-West in Lörrach (Baden-Wurttemberg).
1982–1984: Traineeship (Preparation for the superior civil service career in spatial planning administrations) within the field of urbanism in the south of Hesse (Bauass.).
1981–1982: Consultant on behalf of the Council of the Berlin Borough of Charlottenburg, Agency of Urban Planning, Restructuring Administration Center.
1974–1980: Studies of Urban and Regional planning at Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Urban and Regional Planning (Dipl.-Ing.).
2022: Care-Arbeit räumlich denken. Feministische Perspektiven auf Planung und Ent-wicklung. Reihe gender wissen Band 16. Wettingen: eFeF-Verlag.
2019: Zur Theorie einer nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung des Raumes. In: Knobloch, Ulrike (Hg.): Ökonomie des Versorgens. Ansätze feministisch-kritischer Wirtschaftstheorie im deutschsprachigen Raum. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa, 196-221.
2019: with Damyanovic, Doris; Sturm, Ulrike (Ed.): Gendered Approaches to Spatial Development in Europe. Perspectives, Similarities, Differences. London & New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
2013: with Damyanovic, Doris: Is there still gender on the agenda for spatial planning theories? Attempt to an integrative approach to generate gender-sensitive planning theories. In: disP 195 49.4 (4/2013): 25-36.
2012: The Model of the European City in the Light of Gender Planning and Sustainable Development. In: ‘Fair Shared’ Cities: The Impact of Gender Planning in Europe. Edited by Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Marion Roberts. Farnham: Ashgate, 75-88.
2012: with Tummers, Lidewij: What can spatial planners do to create the 'connected city'? A gendered reading of the Charters of Athens. In: Built Environment Vol. 38 No. 4 December 2012: 524-539.
2006: Requirement-oriented Spatial Planning. Gender Practice and Criteria in Spatial Planning, Final report. English Abstract, Materialien zur Raumplanung Bd. 22, Salzburg.
2019: Zur Theorie einer nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung des Raumes. In: Knobloch, Ulrike (Hg.): Ökonomie des Versorgens. Ansätze feministisch-kritischer Wirtschaftstheorie im deutschsprachigen Raum. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa, 196-221.
2019: with Damyanovic, Doris; Sturm, Ulrike (Ed.): Gendered Approaches to Spatial Development in Europe. Perspectives, Similarities, Differences. London & New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
2013: with Damyanovic, Doris: Is there still gender on the agenda for spatial planning theories? Attempt to an integrative approach to generate gender-sensitive planning theories. In: disP 195 49.4 (4/2013): 25-36.
2012: The Model of the European City in the Light of Gender Planning and Sustainable Development. In: ‘Fair Shared’ Cities: The Impact of Gender Planning in Europe. Edited by Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Marion Roberts. Farnham: Ashgate, 75-88.
2012: with Tummers, Lidewij: What can spatial planners do to create the 'connected city'? A gendered reading of the Charters of Athens. In: Built Environment Vol. 38 No. 4 December 2012: 524-539.
2006: Requirement-oriented Spatial Planning. Gender Practice and Criteria in Spatial Planning, Final report. English Abstract, Materialien zur Raumplanung Bd. 22, Salzburg.
2021-2022: Initiative and preparation of a Call for Membership for the first international IIK of the ARL.
Since 2021: Equality officer in the ARL network.
2019-2020: Vice-Equality officer in the ARL network.
2014-2018: Head of the first ARL-European Working Group “Gender in Spatial Development - Perspectives, Similarities, Differences“.
2013: Election as an ARL-Member (MdA).
2003-2009: Member of the Advisory Board of Editors for the Scientific Periodical ‚Raumforschung und Raumordnung’ (Spatial Research and Spatial Planning).
2001: Election as a Coordinating Member of ARL.
Since 2001: Member of ARL State Working Group (LAG) Baden-Württemberg; 2004-2005: Member of the LAG-AG Infrastructure for a Mobile Society (Head: Stefan Köhler).
Since 2021: Equality officer in the ARL network.
2019-2020: Vice-Equality officer in the ARL network.
2014-2018: Head of the first ARL-European Working Group “Gender in Spatial Development - Perspectives, Similarities, Differences“.
2013: Election as an ARL-Member (MdA).
2003-2009: Member of the Advisory Board of Editors for the Scientific Periodical ‚Raumforschung und Raumordnung’ (Spatial Research and Spatial Planning).
2001: Election as a Coordinating Member of ARL.
Since 2001: Member of ARL State Working Group (LAG) Baden-Württemberg; 2004-2005: Member of the LAG-AG Infrastructure for a Mobile Society (Head: Stefan Köhler).
- Architecture, urban design
- Spatial & state & regional planning
- Gender studies
Projects involved
Gender and Spatial Transformation
Gender studies
Society, social affairs, demography
Spatial & state & regional planning
Gender in Spatial Development
Gender studies
Spatial & state & regional planning