Nachhaltigkeit, nachhaltige RaumentwicklungSustainability, sustainable spatial development
In conceptual terms, the principle of (ecological) sustainability in both the Federal Nature Conservation Act and the Federal Forestry Act means that natural resources should be used and managed only in a manner which leaves the capacity of ecosystems undepleted for future generations. Since the 1992 environmental summit in Rio de Janeiro, the principle has often been linked with the concept of “development.” The expansion of the sustainability concept to one of “sustainable development” is directed in more general terms towards balanced development (taking equal account of economic, social, and environmental aspects) and towards long-term development in all areas of life (thus conserving resources). The Federal Spatial Planning Act sees sustainable spatial development as the key guideline and substantive vision for spatial planning in Germany. The social and economic demands made on an area and its ecological functions are to be harmonised so as to establish sustainable, comprehensive order throughout the area in question.