
In the future, ensuring the availability of groundwater in an adequate quality and quantity will become increasingly
challenging. Protecting groundwater involves taking appropriate measures to ensure that aquifers are recharged and that groundwater pollution is prevented. 

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Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Video Challenge who displayed creativity, vitality and good communication skills to explain the significance of their built environment research: "Addressing Grand Challenges.

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Regional parks, green belts, and other regional open space strategies form part of the regional management of thelandscape in urban regions. This takes place through projectoriented, collaborative processes, with coordinated measures intended to protect open spaces by ensuring their use and enhancing their aesthetic qualities. They thus supplement the formal instruments of regional planning.

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As a societal structure and guiding principle, subsidiarity emphasises the precedence of individual self-determination and personal social responsibility. Larger communities or state institutions should only help individuals or smaller communities to help themselves if they are unable to cope. 

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When discussing land policy in Germany, one inevitably cannot avoid the example of Munich. Accordingly, the ARL International Working Group of the ARL “Land Policies in Europe” met in Munich in September 2023 to continue its international reflections on land policies across 12 European countries. 

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At the German Congress of Geography (DKG’23) in Frankfurt am Main (DE), Hubert Job and Marco Pütz hosted an AlpPlan thematic session with insights and discussions around the implications of climate change and energy transition for Alpine spatial planning.

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