The Compendium of Urban and Regional Development

The Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (formerly known as The Academy for Spatial Research and Planning) (ARL) has been publishing the Handwörterbuch der Stadt- und Raumentwicklung for over five decades.

It is directed at interested academics and practitioners. A selection of English language articles can be downloaded here for free.

Looking for an article that is not yet available in English? Email us and let us know which article you would like to have translated!

The German versions of all articles are available here.


Land law

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  1. Definition
  2. Elements of land law in civil law
  3. Spatial planning
  4. Urban development law
  5. Nature conservation law
  6. Soil conservation law


Johannes Grüner

Land market/land policy

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  1. Land market policy
  2. Basic principles of land market policy
  3. Objectives of land market policy
  4. Instruments of land market policy
  5. Spatial planning and responsive land policy

Additional literature

Land markets create and distribute opportunities for private land use. The allocation of uses and the distribution of advantages and disadvantages take place under framework conditions that are established by means of property relations, spatial planning and public investments. Responsive land policy guides the allocation and distribution by balancing plural interests.

Benjamin Davy


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1 Clarification of the term
2 Various roots of the term
3 Dimensions of the term in everyday language
4 Landscape in spatial planning
5 Approaches to landscape in landscape-related research
6 Landscape and the perception of landscape in flux
Additional literature

Landscape is constituted through physical and spatial aspects as well as through perception and identification processes. Accordingly, the term is used at various levels of meaning and abstraction, and a vast variety of approaches can be observed in the scientific and research fields.

Beate Jessel

Landscape Planning

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1 Evolution of landscape planning
2 Clarification of the term
3 Objectives and aspects to consider
4 Tasks and levels of statutory landscape planning
5 Planning process
6 The contribution of landscape planning to other types of planning and projects
7 Informal strategies and process management

Landscape planning is the proactive sectoral planning of nature and landscape protection and conservation. In the narrower sense, it covers the formal plans defined in sections 8-12 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, BNatSchG); in the broader sense, it contributes to other types of planning and projects, informal strategies for nature conservation, and the management of landscape development for the purpose of nature protection and conservation.

Catrin Schmidt